[ current selection: Little Shop of Horrors Motion Picture Cast ] <
album title track # track name time
Little Shop of Horrors Motion Picture Soundtrack 24207 Prologue 3:28
24208 Skid Row (Downtown) 4:17
24209 Da-Doo 1:26
24210 Grow For Me 2:25
24211 Somewhere That's Green 3:51
24212 Some Fun Now 2:19
24213 Dentist! 2:29
24214 Feed Me (Git It) 3:27
24215 Suddenly, Seymour 3:28
24216 Suppertime 2:05
24217 The Meek Shall Inherit 3:23
24218 Mean Green Mother From Outerspace 4:47
24219 Finale (Don't Feed the Plants) 1:31