[ current selection: Bill Cosby ] <
album title track # track name time
Hard To Find 45's On Cd Vol. 5: Sixties Pop Classics 43406 Little Ole Man 4:11
Himself 70293 Brain Damage 4:21
is a very funny fellow..RIGHT! 71125 The Complete Noah Act 7:51
It's True! It's True! 45168 It's The Women's Fault 4:13
45169 Helicopters 1:44
45170 Ants Are Cool 1:07
45171 Burlesque Shows 2:32
45172 The American Gambler 1:14
45173 Shoelaces 1:02
45174 Spanish Fly 2:56
45175 Mr. Ike & The Neighborhood TV Set 4:47
45176 Foreign Countries 14:17
Unknown 83697 Chocolate Cake for Breakfast 7:45
84614 To Russel My Brother 26:44
Why Is There Air 85430 Driving In San Francisco 3:51